रविवार, 7 अगस्त 2011
I have spent the better part of the past two months redrafting the Constitution of the Indian Youth Congress. It has not been changed (or for that matter- read) since it was first adopted in 1983: consequently, the late Smt. Indira Gandhi continues to be lifetime chairperson of its penultimate Central Advisory Board. Some of the provisions suggested, like having two-yearly elections to fill organizational posts, have never been put into actual practice. More than a quarter of a century since its adoption, the overall feeling one gets from reading the document, therefore, is that it belongs to another age; and is hardly suited to the needs of our own time.
In all, I have proposed more than 27 major and several minor amendments. Suggestions I had proposed in an earlier presentation (Blueprint for Building a New IYC) have also been incorporated. Below is a brief 15-point Synopsis of the Amendments:
1. Membership rules have been changed to incorporate one common Form (as opposed to three for becoming primary and active members and for renewal of membership) to be filled annually by members; performance-determined levels of membership have been assigned; and strategies have been proposed for substantially enhancing the number of women members. (Art. VIII)
2. Form A has been made digitally readable and includes blood group-type information and an eye-donation form. This will transform IYC into India's biggest blood bank and eye-donor agency.
3. Schedule One contains the algorithm that the digital-reader would follow for determining membership-level based on information supplied in Form A. (Art. IX)
4. To increase organizational-penetration at the grassroots level, two new primary units have been introduced: booth-level Rajiv Gandhi Shakti Kendras (RGSKs) and panchayat-level SHGs called Indira Gandhi Svasahayata Samitis (IGSSs). (Art. XI A and B)
5. RGSKs are purely political bodies dealing with booth-management during elections.
6. IGSSs are self-sustaining, income generating, socio-economic units ultimately aimed at creating what could possibly be the largest multifaceted NGO in the country: personally I can think of no better way to counter Ekal vidyalayas, Vanvasi kalyan ashrams and other such RSS outfits that have infiltrated the rural belt of India. They combine a distinct social welfare agenda with innovative income-generating asset-creating techniques within the political framework of the YC.
7. IGSSs are governed by a separate subsidiary constitution provided in Schedule Two.
8. Both the RGSK and IGSS networks will be sort of a proto-cadre of the Congress.
9. A formula has been worked out for the number of elected and nominated posts in IYC, PYC, DYC and BYC executive committees; precise rules for work allocation have been framed; specific tasks assigned; monitoring and feedback mechanisms are in place; and guidelines for setting up departments and their functions have also been specified. (Arts. XI C, XII, XIII, XVI, XIX)
10. The election process itself has been overhauled completely: a CEC (Central Election Committee) has been created as an autonomous body; precise schedules, guidelines, and modus operandi have been laid down; executive committees are proposed to be dissolved to prevent any overriding interference/tweaking with the election process; the block level elections would be direct; executive committee members thus chosen would elect the DYC executive, who will in turn elect the PYC. All elected executive committee members- Block, District and Pradesh- would then be delegates at a national convention where the national committee would be elected. (Art. XVIII)
11. Differential Criteria has been fixed for who can vote and contest- based primarily on their involvement with the organization (to eliminate the possibility of candidates making members only for the purpose of getting themselves elected while also ensuring that performance- merit- gets rewarded). (Art. VIII, IX)
12. Dates- and time- have been specified for simultaneous nationwide meetings of executive committees; & block, district, state and national-level conventions; agendas- and formats of minutes- have been set.
13. A permanent training facility (Rajiv Gandhi Yuva Prashikshan Kendra)- and a monthly magazine- have been incorporated in Schedule Three of the constitution.
14. A comprehensive Budget has been proposed: new sources of revenue have been created; collection points identified; and precise function-based distribution of revenues done. (Art. X)
15. A definitive target-oriented socio-political agenda has been incorporated into Art. III (Functions) based on additional institutions and functions that have been inbuilt into the constitution.
शनिवार, 21 मई 2011
हम सब में राष्ट्र और राष्ट्रीयता की भावना का जागरण वक्त की आवश्यकता हो गया है। हम में कम होता आत्मविष्वास और एकता ने बह संवेदनशील मुद्दों पर हमारे मौन ने अवसरवादियों के हौसले को बढ़ाया है। अज्ञानता अवसरवादिता अंधविश्वास अपव्यय व अन्याय ने हमारे विकास को अवरुद्ध कर रखा है। आज हमें निम्नलिखित पांच "अ" से लड़ने की सख्त आवश्यकता हैः- १- अज्ञानता २- अवसरवादिता ३- अंधविश्वास ४- अपव्यय ५- अन्याय इसके साथ ही धर्म, क्षेत्र, जात व वर्ग की भावना से उपर उठकर हमें यह संकल्प लेना है किः- अलग है भाषा, धर्म, जात और प्रान्त, भेष, परिवेष पर हम सब का एक है गौरव राष्ट्रध्वज तिरंगा श्रेष्ठ॰॰॰॰॰॰॰॰॰॰॰ ॰॰॰॰॰॰॰॰ और मुझे पूरा विष्वास है मार्गदर्शन में इस दिशा में मील का पत्थर साबित होगा.....
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